I know that most people do not like rejection, however I think that using technology to soften the blow is a little lame. Text messages, chat programs, social network websites, and email. Sure, rejection hurts less when it's not face-to-face, but the sincerity and level of interest are lacking to a high degree when the original message from the person pursuing a relationship cannot be delivered in a more personal fashion. Even when you've met a girl before, asking her out via an AIM chat is not the way to go.
I'd like to think that most people are also becoming aware of the vulnerabilities that they open themselves up to by trying to establish romantic relationships over the internet. For the longest time, I refused to join myspace for that very reason. Sketch-sketchiddy. I was convinced to join facebook where I understood it to be a closed social network. However, now after being a member for over two years, I have received messages, with the nature of being hit on, from a person I don't know. My response - same as my dog's least convincing trick: play dead. Fortunately, this game plan will allow my profile to remain hidden from this person. I guess letting them see it might clue them into the fact that I'm in a relationship already - a college neighbor who approached me in person to express interest in me. Ballsy, huh?
How did our grandparents ever do it? They were able to establish relationships without the use of computers!?!
So, if you are looking for love on the internet, maybe you should become familiar with the 404 File Not Found message - at least if you are looking my direction, you should go educate yourself: